Nucleus Research’s Inventory Optimization Value Matrix 2019

How do inventory optimization solutions stack up? A complimentary report from Nucleus Research tells you what you need to know.

Inventory Optimization

As companies are realizing the strategic significance of the supply chain, many are looking to inventory optimization (IO) solutions to help reduce their inventory levels while maintaining service levels to their customers.

Nucleus Research’s latest report gives an overview of the state of IO and ranks a range of vendor solutions based on their usability and functionality.

  • How the leaders approach inventory optimization 
  • How machine learning and AI are playing a role in IO and supply chain optimization
  • How  vendors are tackling poor adoption of inventory optimization
  • Profiles of 17 companies and key features of their inventory optimization solutions
  • How some vendors are using machine learning today to drive improvements in planning, forecasting and inventory management

Download your complimentary copy now.

“While many vendors are talking about bringing automation to their supply chain planning and inventory optimization software, One Network has customers that are live - using the capabilities and extracting value from the technology.”

Seth Lippincott, Analyst, Nucleus Research

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