Session 1: Research

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Session 1: Research

30th Annual Study of Logistics and Transportation Trends Study: Talent and Technology Matter

When the Annual Study of Logistics and Transportation Trends Study first began, there was an inherent struggle between man and technology. Thirty years later that conflict has eased, as rapid technological advancements are driving the new and innovative ways companies operate their logistics and supply chain operations.

With that premise in mind, our 30th annual study set out to gain insight into the overall impact of these changes as well as how technology and other factors are affecting and shaping the “human” aspects of logistics. Our results reveal that logistics and transportation management is no longer just a cost of doing business—today it’s the source of strategic innovation and an essential part of how organizations are competing and preparing for an unpredictable tomorrow.

In this session, our presenters put context behind the findings of our 30th study and share how top logistic operations are leading the way when it comes to the adoption and support of technology in transportation. Our research team says that the use of load boards and app-based broker services all saw significant growth across the board—signaling that shippers are voting with their data—and dollars—to increase visibility within their supply chain.

Attendees will better understand:

  • Current spending levels and strategy shifts by each mode of transportation
  • The current factors influencing technology adoption and labor retention
  • How technology is being put to work to gain efficiencies, automate processes


Michael Levans,
Group Editorial Director,
Peerless Media


Christopher A. Boone, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor,
Mississippi State University

Karl B. Manrodt, Ph.D.,
Georgia College and State University

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