The Definitive Guide to High-Capacity Autonomous Mobile Robots

Download this easy-to-understand guide to learn the basics about driverless equipment and how to best benefit your operations using them.

Download this easy-to-understand guide to learn the basics about driverless equipment and how to best benefit your operations using them.

Self-driving forklifts and tow tractors can independently execute tasks and move palletized or non-conveyable goods. They are a key tool to extend staff, increase throughput, and maximize workflow efficiencies. In light of the current labor shortage, facilities are quickly responding to demand now while preparing for the future by adopting autonomous equipment at higher rates than ever before.

In this whitepaper learn the basics of self-driving equipment. Explore the differences between how each operating platform works, what the abilities and limitations are of each platform, and how they can help quickly advance facility operations.

You will see:

  • A side-by-side comparison of the 3 operating platforms (AMR/VGV/AGV)
  • The benefits of adopting autonomous mobile robots
  • Commonly used applications
  • Visual examples of workflows

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