SMC3 Mercury Gate Case Study - Improving Workflows and Enhancing Efficiency with LTL APIs

In this case study MercuryGate needed a way to automate workflows. It turned to smc3 for help.

The Situation: A need to Automate Workflows

For TMS providers like MercuryGate and A large 3PLs, less tedium means more time to help their customers secure capacity. But every manual freight transportation task, from receiving quotes to transmitting a bill of lading to generating invoices, adds inefficiency, reducing the ability to provide value to their customers.

Electronic data interchanges (EDI), the standard cross-system communication technology in LTL, often provides information in end-of-day batches, constraining parties with information that’s often out of date by the time it’s received. But the increasing use of spot and dynamic pricing also means 3PLs can’t wait until the end of the day for data visibility. And as a critical link in the chain between shippers and carriers, MercuryGate and a large full service 3PL needed a way to enable automated data flow between systems to generate the real-time insights that drive their logistics services.

Communication solution criteria:

  • Better workflow automation to reduce hands-on tedium
  • Real-time insights to secure the right capacity for shipping customers
  • Faster tendering and invoicing to improve customer satisfaction and operational efficiency
  • Smooth integration with existing systems

Download the case study to see how smc3 helped MercuryGate streamline their workflows with their cloud based LTL API platform.

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