Remaking American Security

Supply Chain Vulnerabilities & National Security Risks Across the U.S. Defense Industrial Base.

National Security Requires a Stronger U.S. Manufacturing Sector
The United States’ national security is threatened by our military’s growing and dangerous reliance on foreign nations for the raw materials, parts, and finished products needed to defend the American people.

The health of our manufacturing sector is inextricably intertwined with our national security, and it is vital that we strengthen the sector.

This report—prepared by Guardian Six Consulting LLC for the Alliance for American Manufacturing—recommends 10 actions to make America less dependent on foreign nations for the vital products that
enable America’s soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines to be the most powerful and effective fighting force in the world.

The recommendations (detailed below) call for a joint strategy by government, industry, academic research institutions, and the military to increase U.S. domestic production of manufactured items and recovery of natural resources that the armed forces require.

In addition, the recommendations emphasize the importance of investment today in the technological innovation, education, and training needed to keep America secure tomorrow.

This report also calls for properly enforcing existing and internationally accepted laws that give U.S. defense manufacturers certain preferences over foreign competitors. This enforcement will ensure a level playing field, high-quality materials and products, and a healthy U.S. defense industrial base.

The report further recommends federal investment in America’s high-technology manufacturing infrastructure, especially in advanced research and manufacturing capabilities.

Another recommendation calls for increasing U.S. production of certain key raw materials needed for the nation’s defense to supplement our imports. The recommendation also proposes stockpiling these raw materials to ensure an adequate supply.

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