Digital Predator or Digital Prey?

The dinosaurs of today will become digital prey by 2020 unless they can learn to master digital - in which case, there is every possibility they can become tomorrow’s digital predators.

By 2020 every business will become a digital predator or digital prey - which will your company evolve into?

The answer to this question lies in how well you, as the CIO, and the executives in your organization can internalize and apply the six strategies of digital business mastery laid out in this report.

To make the journey from Digital Dinosaur to Digital Master, you need to assess your starting point.

This report lays out the principle elements underpinning each strategy so you can determine how far along in the journey your company has already come.

Key Takeaways

  • CIOs Must Contribute To Digital Customer Experience Excellence
    Without the involvement of the technology management organization, it’s likely that the company will continue to bolt digital onto the business and not fully grasp the potential for digital to change how the company creates value for customers.
  • CIOs Must Also Contribute To Digital Operational Excellence
    The internal operations of the business play a critical role in creating or destroying customer value. CIOs must apply digital thinking to the value chain to transform business operations in service of customers.
  • Digital Business Mastery Demands The Development Of Digital Assets
    By creating digital assets that can be deployed in service of customers, the CIO adds value to the company’s balance sheet that can translate into future streams of revenue.

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